Embracing the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, we reflect on the profound impact of Dr. King's legacy on our mission and work. This day resonates deeply with our commitment to service-learning and community service. We proudly embrace the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King's philosophy of love and service in our communities is a cornerstone of our commitment. Our dedication to service-learning offers a practical and profound way to honor Dr. King's vision. It's not just about volunteering, it's learning about our world, and ourselves, and the value of working together. It’s about taking action that aligns to the vision we have for our communities and contributing to the social good.

King's 'Beloved Community' is not just a dream but a call to action, urging us to actively work towards creating a just, compassionate, and equitable world​​​​​​​​. His vision emphasizes a global community where conflicts are resolved peacefully, and resources are shared equitably. Central to this vision are the principles of interconnectedness, justice, freedom, equality, and love - essential for transforming both individuals and societal structures.

As we engage in service on this day, we not only pay homage to Dr. King's legacy but also embody his ideals, striving to make the 'Beloved Community' a reality in our own time.