Our First Meetup for Women in Nonprofits


Zoom Women in Nonprofits Meetup Recap
On March 9th, 2023 we hosted a virtual meet and greet to connect inspiring women from different backgrounds who are making a difference in their communities.

We came together to share our experience in nonprofit leadership and to discuss the transformative impact of affirming one another and celebrating our wins. We also spent some time exploring the benefits of a nonprofit mastermind and started the conversation about what professional services leaders need most.

Our Next Meetup
We’ll be hosting meetups quarterly with the next free event happening in June. meetup.devocenterdigital.org

We’ll discuss “Nonprofit Storytelling: Sharing Your Vision, Mission, and Programs” How do you describe your organizations vision and the work that you do? Learn how excellent bios, budgets, and logic models prepare you for successful fundraising.

Nonprofit Mastermind
If you’re ready to build your fundraising portfolio with personalized feedback and guidance and connect with women who care about you work, join us for monthly professional development, networking and collaborative fundraising opportunities.

There’s a one-time fee of $297 which gives you lifetime access to the community and digital library, and puts you in position to build a strong foundation for your nonprofit business. devocenterdigital.org/mastermind